Happy National Pets Day!

Happy National Pets Day Everyone!

I just discovered that yesterday April 11th was National Pets Day. Even though I am a day off, I decided  I still need to honor what this day signifies. This is a pet blog after all!

But as it turned out, I was feeling very heavy hearted yesterday.  Without disclosing anything private, it’s safe to say it’s just been one of those weeks. Why does life have to be so hard? It always seems like there is someone you love who is hurting. Or maybe that someone is you?  Whatever the situation may be, life can leave us feeling discouraged.  Needless to say, that was how I felt coming home last night.  But as I got out of my car, I looked up at my window and saw my cat Grizzabella staring down at me with her ears perked up waiting for me to come inside.  I can’t explain what that did for my heart!!

Oh I love my pets! What would I do without them? To come home and feel her rubbing against my leg was the medicine I needed.  And time and time again that medicine has been proven to work for me.  How could anyone not love animals…or worse, mistreat them?  They bring so much life into a home.  There is nothing like the sweet feel of their warm cuddly bodies pressed next to me on the couch when I feel like life is unfair.  It brings me so much comfort. I can’t quite explain it. Pets seem to know when something is wrong. I think their little minds and hearts can sense it. They are so smart, and I just love them so much.  I hope you find the same warmth and sweetness from your dear pets that I do with mine.

I took a little selfie with Dasher just to be silly and cheer myself up.  When I went to put it on facebook last night I saw a friend who had posted pictures of her cats wishing everyone Happy National Pets Day!!  I had no idea it was National Pets Day!!

I decided to look it up and found that National Pets Day was founded in 2005 by celebrity pet lifestyle expert & animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige. In fact I like what she said about this special day:

“Many people believe that humans are superior to animals, but is that really true? We’re not able to come close to possessing the pure & perfect unconditional love that animals offer”

That unconditional love is what I feel daily from my two babies, and from all the pets I grew up with.  I’m so grateful for the role they play in my life and the many other lives that I know are blessed and touched by animals.

How should we honor this special day?

First, I have to say that I think we can honor it all week!  My Aunt Patty always turned every birthday or holiday into a week!!  “Why limit it to one day?” I couldn’t agree more! I’ve definitely adopted that motto.

What are some ways you can still honor this special “week”?

Maybe you could volunteer at an animal shelter, or better, make this the week you bring one of those dear little loves home with you.

Or you could spoil your own little loves with their favorite treats!

Play with them….spend some extra time throwing that tennis ball, or go for a long walk in the woods!

If you have small pets like I do, be sure to take the time to scratch them just where they like it!!

Whatever you choose to do, make them feel special, because they are!

What would we do without them? 

Isn’t that right Dasher?