Wow! it’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post. We lost our darling little bunny Dasher in the spring and I just didn’t have the heart to write a blog post since. I’ve missed him so much and every time I opened my blog to write, I saw his adorable face and I would tear up. Oh, Dasher, we miss you so much, little buddy…
But it’s a new year and I miss writing and sharing stories on this little blog. And I’m ready for a fresh start.
(I know this is a pet blog, but if you’ll indulge me, I thought I’d start 2022 out with a little review of 2021.)
This past year has brought many changes. In the fall of 2019, I started a Masters in Law program with a concentration in Advanced Paralegal Studies with Regent University. I will be finished in August of this year, and so far I am just absolutely loving the program.
With all the political turmoil and loss of our freedoms and civil liberties these past two years, especially in Oregon under Queen Kate’s rule, I grew discouraged and angry. But instead of moping I went for long walks and prayed mightily for guidance. I prayed to be a part of the fight against tyranny. I prayed for freedom and wisdom and discernment. Who’s telling the truth? And what steps should I take to be on the right side of history?
The first answer came in the form of returning to school for a law degree. The second answer came one day while reading an article in the Epoch Times about a restaurant that was fighting the arbitrary, unscientific, unconstitutional covid mandates. The restaurant was represented by an organization in Oregon that fights for constitutional rights, and limited government. I contacted this organization and before I knew it, I was hired and I am now working as a paralegal with this wonderful group. I love my job and the people that I am working with. I am grateful to be on the front lines of the fight for freedom and liberty. Instead of complaining, I’m doing something about it. It’s a good feeling!
(Regarding the nuts and bolts of legal work, at first, I had no idea what anybody was talking about but somehow I’ve picked things up and I’m actually making this paralegal thing happen!)
Brandon and I took some great trips this year to Charleston, South Carolina, and Sedona, Arizona. We loooved both places and they were literally a breath of fresh air. (No paranoid mask mandates and covid bullshit….we were free!!!)
Speaking of covid, we both got it this year, and thankfully, we both pulled through. It sucked, we were very sick, no doubt! But we had our little boo, Grizzabella, to watch over us and snuggle with.
She took good care of her sick momma!
Speaking of Grizzabella, she’s struggled with the loss of her brother Dasher. She looks out the window into the yard where Dasher was laid to rest and meows. I wonder if she’s looking for him or maybe she’s just saying hi. I’m so grateful for her. She is my darling little companion and friend. We love you Boo!
My music has been put on hold for a little bit. I did a steady string of gigs through the summer and early fall. But I decided to take a music sabbatical while I focus on school and my new job.
And that’s the update for now! I hope this year brings new happy adventures and restoration of freedom. I miss America and I’m sick and tired of being called selfish because I’m pro-freedom, pro-personal responsibility, and pro-individual rights. Condemning individual choice and freedom as selfish is an age-old tactic of authoritarian communist governments and I pray that the American people see through it and that the American spirit will thrive once again.
I will conclude this post with my favorite Christmas song, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.”
(It’s kind of become my personal mantra)
And in despair, I bowed my head
There is no peace on Earth I said,
For hate is strong and mocks the song of
Peace on earth goodwill to men.
Then rang the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead nor doth he sleep,
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
with peace on earth goodwill to men.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
That’s right! “The wrong shall fail, the right prevail!” And prevail it will dear friends. The truth will be revealed, I have to believe that. And in the meantime, we must push forward with smiles and hope. Hug our loved ones, be a little silly, and live life to the fullest without fear. And on the tough days, take a moment or two to snuggle with your furry family members!
Well, it’s quarantine day number… How many days has it been? I…
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