Christmas Tree Safety Tips for Your Pet Rabbit: by Dasher the Christmas Bunny

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

It’s me, Dasher the Christmas Bunny!

Why am I the Christmas bunny? Well, three days before Christmas I was adopted by Kacie and Brandon. Boy, do I love them. And boy, do they love me! In fact, here is a little portion of Mom’s first blog post about me. This about sums it up!

“Dash Man is an adorable, cuddly, extremely naughty bunny who came to live with us a few days before Christmas in 2017. Three days before Christmas my husband and I walked into PetSmart. We were considering adopting a dog, so we thought PetSmart might have some helpful information about any dogs up for adoption. However, halfway through the store on our right were about eight rabbits sitting in cages. They were all little rescues that had been transported from shelters and PetSmart was trying to find good homes for them. In the middle was a black mini lop. Oh my goodness!! He was sooo cute-it was love at first sight!

His name was Dasher. Dasher, just like the reindeer! “He’s a Christmas bunny,” I said to myself. “What an adorable little bundle of black fur…..”
As soon as I held him I knew what I wanted for Christmas… was Dasher!!!”



So there it is. That’s my story. I live with my mom and dad and sissy Grizzabella. She’s a cat, and I think I annoy her, but I think she still loves me very much. When my new parents adopted me, thankfully, they kept my name. I think it’s so cool that I’m named after one of Santa’s reindeer, and not just any reindeer, the very first reindeer that is mentioned in the famous song “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

She’s pretending to ignore me!

But since I’m a Christmas rabbit, I am an expert on bunny behavior around the holidays. Trust me on this one, I know the good, the bad, and the naughty like no human would ever know! Especially when it comes to Christmas trees!  I love our Christmas tree! Grizzabella and I like to nap and hang out under the tree together. It’s also very yummy to chew on….mmmm.

But wait… is it safe for me, or any other bunny for that matter, to chew on it? Over my morning veggies and biscuit today I did a little research! Here’s what I found:

( pssst…, it’s a great place to hide from Mom and Dad when they want to put me away in my room)

1. Christmas trees are safe to chew if they have not been treated with pesticides or fire retardant. Some of the chemical compounds in evergreens may cause your bunny’s urine to turn orange. Yikes! However, there is nothing to worry about when that happens.

2. Pinecones are great chew toys and good distractions from chewing on Mom’s expensive ornaments!

Which leads me to another topic…

3. Avoid low hanging lights and ornaments and tinsel. We naughty bunnies love to chew on lights, cords, anything we can sink our teeth into that is hanging low on that tree. I think this is self-explanatory for why this is harmful!

I love when Mom is decorating. Boxes are yummy!!

4. Beware of synthetic tinsel or garland. If bunnies ingest it, it can cause tummy troubles for us bun buns.

5. Certain holiday plants can be toxic! Ivy, holly, mistletoe. So keep them high away from bunny hopping range.

6. Poinsettias are actually not poisonous…however, bunnies should still not chew on them. If your bunny sinks his teeth into your plant, no need to panic. He will get some intestinal discomfort, but nothing serious! Serves your bunny right for being naughty! ( Of course, I never fall into this category right Mom?   Mom?   Uh, Mom??)

What should I chew next?

7. Be careful when opening gifts. You don’t want your little bun bun to eat any ribbon or tape. These cause tummy troubles. A good substitute is white tissue paper. I looove white tissue paper!!!!

So those are my tips and tricks for you and your pet rabbit! I hope you have a safe and happy holiday! 


Dasher the Christmas Bunny