Do Bunnies Like Music?

Do Bunnies Like Music?

That is a question I had last night…

Since moving up here to the coast I’ve started a jazz trio. Every Wednesday we rotate houses and rehearse for our upcoming gigs. Last night, the rehearsal was at my house. Like many pets, my little loves tend to be very shy when guests are in the house. So, when the guys started loading in the instruments, Grizzabella ran into the bedroom and didn’t leave her safe spot on top of the bed for the rest of the time they were here. Dasher on the hand stayed upstairs with us! I wasn’t sure if the instruments would make him nervous, however, he stayed in the living room the whole time.

He was a little shy, obviously, but he did hop around a little bit, sniff the equipment, and show off how cute he is!  But mostly, he burrowed under his favorite chair and just listened to the music. I checked on him a few times, worried he might be scared, but he seemed just fine.

He’s a brave little dude!

Much braver than his sissy!!

After rehearsal, I started thinking…“Does Dasher like music?”

On google, I found many bunny forums and websites that mention pet bunnies and their love of music. Some bunny owners expressed how much their pet rabbits love music and television. Other owners said their bunnies begin to binky when they hear music or the television is on!


I had never heard that term before. Apparently, binky is a word that describes a bunny when it starts to jump, twitch, kick its legs in the air, and run around. In our house, we call them Dasher’s ninja-bunny moves! But technically, the correct term is binky!

I’ve noticed when I’m singing or practicing guitar, Dasher likes to be in the room. He doesn’t pull out the ninja moves, but he likes to relax and burrow under the chair or in his tunnel. I think he finds music relaxing. From what I’ve researched, many bunny owners do find music relaxes their bun buns as well.

Although a little shy last night, I think Dasher enjoyed the music. (Even Grizzabella, curled up on the bed, seemed happy!).

And as a reward, Dasher got a carrot! (The carrot was also a bribe to come out from under the chair and show his handsome face!).

Look at that face!

In my google search, I found a youtube channel for pet music. So cute!

Here is a link for music for bunny rabbits:

Try it out on your pet bunny!

As for Dasher, I think he likes jazz, so I’ll keep jammin’!




  1. David | 21st Jul 19

    You can rewrite the tune “Flop eared mule” & 1 o’clock jump to reflect the Hon-buns love of music.

    • Kacie | 21st Jul 19

      Haha!! I love it!!! Dasher would love those tunes!! 🙂

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