He’s So Cute…But Watch Out For Those Teeth!

Yesterday morning my husband went downstairs to the garage where we have a little room set up for Dasher, our pet rabbit. Every morning my husband and I take turns cleaning up Dasher’s room, litter box, and cage. We’re very lucky that he is potty trained and only goes to the bathroom in a designated corner in his room. And, he likes to go to the corner of the bathroom. I wrote a post on this before–Dasher thinks our bathroom is his bathroom. We don’t mind. I think he’s a smart little guy that he put that together in bis head. Thankfully, he keeps his stuff in the corner in the bathroom as well so it’s very easy to clean up.

Back to yesterday morning. As I’m walking downstairs and headed for the gym I heard an “OWW!” coming from Dasher’s room. I immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

Well, apparently Dasher dug his teeth into my husband’s pinky toe–the most sensitive spot of the foot! “Why did he bite you?” I asked. “I don’t know! I was cleaning his room and he head-butted me then bit my pinky toe,” was my husband’s reply. I wish I could say I ran to him with sincere wifely concern, but, instead, I started laughing, and told Dasher he was a good boy! “Way to get Daddy!” Haha…I thought it was funny! My husband, not so much!

“Dasher’s territorial!” I said. He likes his little ghetto pad, and he doesn’t want us messing with it! Again, I laughed, and finally, so did my husband!

The thing is, rabbits are so sweet, but they really are very territorial. My sweet little Dasher has done the same thing to me when I’ve been cleaning his room. He head butts me in the ankle or leg, then nips at my hands or ankles. Sometimes he will even chew on the broom. I think it’s his attempt to keep us from using the broom to clean his room. Clever little guy!

Rabbits are territorial and are able to distinguish their personal place from a public place. They will mark their territory with pellets, particularly corners. Many rabbits will get very angry when a human reaches in their cage or room–even if the reason is just to clean or feed them.  I’ve gotten little nips from those ferocious teeth when I’ve reached in his cage to give him veggies or even his favorite treat, bananas (he likes ‘nannas!). Dasher will settle down as soon as he realizes I have food, but his initial reaction is the same:

“Back off! This is my room!”

Even our cat Grizzabella knows she needs to be careful when entering Dasher’s lair!  She rules the roost when it comes to the rest of the house.  If she comes in too confident he will bull-charge her till he’s nose to nose with her. Grizzy will slowly and respectfully back up and saunter out pretending she still has some pride intact. Grizzabella fearlessly and freely swats and hisses at Dasher when she feels the urge to do so. But she knows it’s every kitty for herself when she tiptoes into Dasher’s Man Cave!

Moral of the story?  Your pet rabbit may look innocent and sweet…but watch for those ferocious hidden teeth!!

Okay, maybe not that ferocious…he’s still my little cuddle bun bun