Never Trust That Cute Bunny!!

Never Trust That Cute Bunny!!


That cute, cuddly, fluffy little ball of adorableness will be naughty!!

Just when you think bunny’s reforming into a properly trained civilized pet…

And the moment your back is turned……

Bunny will strike showing the naughty monster within!

Is this the average everyday super cute ball of sweetness you may claim as your own pet bunny?…Maybe?

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash


Is it the infamous…..da..da.da.….

Dash Man!!!!

Yes! You are correct!

It is precisely the one and only, adorable, soft, sweet, monstrous smooth movin Dasher the Bunny who resides within my household!!!!

And I was duped!

Taken in hook line and sinker by his cute ninja kicks, sweet kissies, and unbelievably adorable sleeping positions!

I thought this was a reformed bunny

I’ve been boasting to my husband lately what a good boy he’s been in our new house.  No chewing on baseboards, or furniture…..I thought we had passed the test as exemplar rabbit parents!

We taught him well I thought…..

Oh was I ever fooled!!!  Dasher pulled one over my eyes!!  I fell hook line and sinker.

What did this adorable monster man do?

He chewed through our lamp cord and my expensive bose cord!!!!!!

How I discovered this illegal activity?

I went to turn my favorite lamp on and it was out. When I discovered it wasn’t the light bulb, I looked at the cord and shazam!!

He chewed right through both cords!!

OMG!!  Boy was I was mad at that little turd!!!!!

Of course we have to replace the cords now.

I thought he was being so good……what a sneaky little dude he is!!

Boy he’s good!

He lulled us into submission!!  He knew I thought he was a reformed gentleman.

Yeah you Dash Man!!

Moral of the story???

Bunny proof your chords, cables……EVERYTHING!!!  They are cute, armed, and dangerous!!

I know….he’s pretty cute

Maybe I should forgive him?

Okay Dash Man I forgive you!!!


P.S.    Hey Friends and fellow Pet Lovers!!!  My blog was just recently added to Feedspot’s Top Pet Blogs List in their recent newsletter!! Go to find my blog as well as a great list of wonderful informative pet blogs!!  Check it out!!