The Cutest Bunny Chew Toy Ever!!

My #1 Favorite Chew Toy for Our Pet Rabbit

If you’ve read any of my posts about our pet rabbit Dasher you’ve already caught on to the fact that bunnies like to chew! In fact, not just like to chew, looove to chew- on everything!!! So it’s vital to provide some chew toys.  At least, this is what I was advised of when adopting our little guy Dasher.  Of course, being a new bunny mom I didn’t comprehend how much they love to chew until I let him loose for the first time.

Within 20 minutes he almost chewed the power cord to our t.v.!

Bye bye t.v., and bye bye bun bun!!

Thank God we didn’t lose the stinker.  However, we learned a valuable lesson-one we probably should have listened to from the get-go. We should have bunny proofed the house right away!

And most importantly, provided chew toys!! In future posts, I will get into more good nitty-gritty details and tips for bunny proofing. But for right now I just want to focus on Dasher’s favorite toy…….drum roll, please……

The Bunny Tunnel!!

Isn’t that the funniest cutest thing?  Every time he crawls in his tunnel it melts our hearts. 

Not only is it a cute chew toy option-it really works!  Dasher rarely chews on any toys we buy him. He once liked a round ball toy made out of twigs but he ripped it to shreds in minutes.  All it did was wet the appetite of that monster.  I suppose his pallet is far too advanced to be satisfied with some old twigs. He much prefers baseboards, chords, baskets, and pillows.

Needless to say, the bunny tunnel has saved us!!

What I have learned:

If he gets a naughty thought in his head and makes his little way over to some furniture, just a quick and loud  “No Chew” makes this little monster hop to it and run for cover in his tunnel.  Of course, he will sulk for a little bit…

      Sometimes his feelings get hurt!

But after no time at all, he will start chewing on that thing and all will be right in the world of little Dasher the bunny or as we call him-The Dash Man!! Practically speaking it is a great distraction from other desirable chew spots around the house.

We tried to cover the chords with a blanket. You can see how well that turned out. This bun bun hopped right into this burrowing delight!
“Hey! I can be cute too!”

As frustrating and destructive as their chewing can be, in their defense rabbits have to chew!

Their teeth are constantly growing so they need hard things to chew on so their teeth stayed trimmed. Some other great chew toy options are just good old basic cardboard, boxes, and wood.

One thing I like about these chew tunnels is that they are all-natural, dye-free sisal and wood. So they are safe and good for The Dash Man’s dental health as well. Also, bunnies are burrowers. And this is most definitely true of our little dude. He loves to burrow behind pillows, under the bed, or in his cute tunnel!

It’s extra cozy at Christmas time

So if you own an adorable little stinker like we do, and are looking for options to satisfy their monster chew cravings, I most definitely recommend  The Bunny Tunnel!!

“I wonder if I can do a quick ninja hop outta here before she makes her move!”

P.S. I bought our tunnel at PetSmart, but these tunnels can be purchased at most pet stores or online retailers such as

P.S.S. It’s also a great hideout when big sister is on the hunt for little brother!!