Thoughts from The Dash Man, by Dasher the Bunny

Hi! I’m Dasher!

Today I am your guest author!

Mom’s been writing a lot of stuff about me. I think she’s doing a great job…….even though she keeps accusing me of being naughty………….I don’t know what she’s talking about???? Me? Naughty?  What??

So I thought it was time you heard from me-Dasher! Or as I like to be called…The Dash Man!!

So here are some things I decided my fans need to know about me! Dasher the Bunny!!

First, I never brag

“I know I know I’m a good-lookin dude”

I love when Mom and Dad give me head rubs. They rub my head and then I give their hand kissies. A smooth move on my end.  A few kissies for a blissful massage? Easy!

Boy that feels good!
Mom loves kissies!!

Burrowing is very important to me.  My favorite burrowing spots are my chew tunnel, and under a bench we have in our house.

I like to watch T.V.

I clean my face like my big sissy Grizzabella the cat. I lick my paws and rub them all over my face. Mom says I’m a clean little guy!!

I hate when Dad trims my nails. He says when they get too long they turn into sasquatch paws. But I like my sasquatch paws!!

I love eating and naps! I’m kind of like Garfield

I like to wake my sissy up. Sometimes I hop right over her when she’s sleeping! She doesn’t like it and I usually get swatted by her.  Oooh! But I can’t resist! It’s too much fun.  Besides, I’m no wimp, I can handle her!

Waiting for the right moment to make my move

Not a huge fan of cuddling.  And mom wants to cuddle all the time!!  But since she cleans my cage, feeds me, and takes good care of me, I’ve got to give in once in a while and indulge her.

Mom…umm… not so tight!

I love to run! I run around the hall, up the stairs, then I run in really fast circles around the coffee table!

Hop! I hop really high!  Dad calls me the ninja because of my ninja kicks when I jump in the air. Ladies, I got the ninja moves down-oh yeah!

Apples and Bananas are my favorite treats!!  As well as moms’ baskets around the house….yummm

Oh and ladies! I can also be a little sensitive at times. When mom is sick or having a bad day I try to hang out with her and give her a few head snuggles and kissies.

I don’t like to see Mom sad

But when I get in trouble for nothing-My feelings can get hurt. I’m such a good boy.  Why do they get mad at me? Oh come on…it was just the baseboards and cupboards I chewed through…… What’s the big deal??

However, telling you this I do have a tactic that has a 99% success rate!  Sometimes when I get in trouble I stick my left ear up and I turn my head with a quick jerk. This smooth move makes me look really cute. Mom will always giggle when I do this, which then gets me out of trouble. Phew! See?  I got some Dash moves!

After all, I am The Dash Man!!!!

Written by Dasher