Cats & Books: Why Cats Love to Sit on Them

“Reading one book is like eating one potato chip” -Diane Duane

Exactly! ( Only I would change that to “one cookie” )

In other words……No Way!

It must go without saying, that I love to read!  Ever since I was a little girl I have loved books.  For me, there’s no other escape like curling up on the couch with a good book.  I love romance, historical fiction, biographies, and of course a great mystery!  I even read my cookbooks like they are novels.  In fact, just being around books makes me happy.

I love this quote by the pulitzer prize winning novelist Jane Smiley:

“Many people, myself, among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book”

This explains perfectly why I am a volunteer at my local library, and why my happy place is at Barnes & Noble purusing aisle after aisle of fresh new books with beautiful covers! I love the smell of fresh paper!

And I’m not the only one who loves the fresh smell of paper on a new book.  Apparently most cats do too!

Why is this?  Why do cats love to sleep and sit on books and papers!

This morning when I was cleaning up the house, I placed two books on my bed for a quick second.  Within minutes, Grizzabella jumped up on the bed and immediately had herself situated perfectly on them. Hence the idea for this post!  Once again I thought, “Why on earth does she love sitting on books?

The famous novelist and playwright Robertson Davies said:

 “Authors like cats because they are such quiet, loveable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons”

Lol…even though I love this quote, and I agree that my cat is a loveable creature; I’m not sure she likes books for the same reasons!!   Nevertheless, seeing her cuddled up on my books today inspired a little research-and here’s what I came up with!

According to cat behavioral expert Pam Johnson-Bennett, cats have strong senses and they can easily figure out where a humans’ focus is.  If your cat can see that you are focusing your attention on a book, then they may sit right on it because your cat feels they should be the center of attention!  No surprise right?  This is definitely true of Grizzabella!!  Sure enough, if  I’m reading or writing, she wants to sit right on it.

My case in point! This is what she just did to my laptop!!

However, it still doesn’t quite explain why she enjoys sitting on books when I’m not reading them.  Why is this?

Well, if we go back to senses we learn that they have a strong sense of smell. Your cat probably likes the smell of those books because those books contain your scent.  And since your cat loves you soooo much, this is a way they can feel closer to you. Kind of sweet if you ask me!!

Source: Skeeze/Pixabay

Some experts say it’s because cats like to sit perched up. Same reason they love to sit up high on shelves and bookcases.  A book will perch them up a few inches higher.  After all, I think cats kind of like to feel like they are on a throne superior to others?  Am I right?

Source: Nia Falcon/Pixabay

Cats are very observant creatures…..well, observant and territorial.  Sometimes flat out jealous!!  If the object is taking your time and attention away from them- then they want a part of it!  And as I’ve said before, Grizzabella wants to sit on my book, or laptop the minute I get engrossed in a story or into my writing.  I’m assuming this is cat language for, “I’m supposed to be engrossed with her!!”

Thank you for clarifying things Grizz!!!

Pay Attention to Me!



Sources: Goodreads,,